Absolute DEF rate’s secret revealed?!

There were some questions about this stat in the comments recently, and today I have seen some interesting post in the forums, so maybe some people might like to read about it. The following post shows the ultimate AbsDEF paladin gear, with all perfect stats.

Disclaimer: I have not tested this, I just give as I found it. Also, this applies to JP server only AFAIK.

Shield Mastery Lv10  25%
Parry     Lv10 ×1.23
3 pieces Rare Bone set ×1.35
3 pieces Hero Bone set   ×1.4
2 Star Lava Necklace   ×1.1
★10 socket card(Back)×1.15
★10 socket card(Shield)×1.15
★10 socket card(Belt) ×1.15
Bone Ring 1       ×1.05
Bone Ring 2       ×1.05
107.19% block rate

So, according to this, AbsDEF rate looks like to be an additional block rate that adds up to the base set up by Shield Mastery level. 40% AbsDEF rate actually means 1.4x base block from SM in this case. Also it’s obvious that if you don’t have a skill granting you some base block, there is no point gathering AbsDEF items at all.

So, you still don’t have a paladin? It’s about time to start leveling one ^^

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44 Responses to Absolute DEF rate’s secret revealed?!

  1. Kazu says:

    Very interesting. But this only applies to Japan? I’m hoping this will spread to the other versions as well.

  2. Justin Le says:

    wow thx for posting this up! helped me alot 🙂

  3. Frost says:

    Why is Parry listed as a multiplier? It has its own % separate of Shield Mastery

    And this sounds like a load of bullshit lol theres no way they would let a character have 100% block… Has anyone actually tested it? I refuse to believe they would introduce such a broken stat, and also why would they list it as “Absolute Defense” while the skill descriptions and the trigger say “Block”?

    I still stand by my idea that Abs Def = TOTAL defense… But then again it might be different in Japan

    Either way, Id like to see a video of a Pala with stacked Abs Def then, even if not 100%, as long as it is above 50%, youll block every other hit so its easy to see if its working or not

    • passerby says:

      I from Iah, at paris patch i did some test on absolute def and find that it is totally nothing related to total def, even no obvious different at reducing damage received.

    • epifanes says:

      Haha, cool down, as I said, I had posted only what other people quoted in the forums. I’m personally looking forward to see those rich cash goons with 3/3 bone sets in action, and even that will be kind of hard to get, not to mention perfect 10 star cards.

      AbsDEF = Total DEF formula works in Gpotato, from what I have heard. But it’s obvious it means Block Rate in JP – I just have no proof for the article formula. Food for thought.

      • Kingchar says:

        hrm the absDEF = Total DEF formula does not work in gpot. People just like to say stuff >_>. I’ve tried with the new bone and full reg pally sets. abs def did not increase def. people forget to add their refines into their values and subtracting values when they take off armor kinda dumb on their part but oh well. If you (people that claim abs DEF = Total DEF Formula) think I’m wrong, test it yourself by adding all the values and subtracting.

      • epifanes says:

        Can be, that’s why I said that I only heard about it. In Gpot, it might not be working at all right now, but same as here, I don’t feel like testing it anyway.

  4. passerby says:

    I am curious on yr calculation…

    how you get 100% + block rate??

    i think possible calculations should be like those:

    (shield mastery(base block) * total absolute def from equip %) + parry block rate = total block rate

    so if i convert my calculation with yrs,
    25*(35+40+10+15+15+15+5+5)% + 23= 58%

    (shield mastery + parry block rate, base block rate) * total absolute def % from equip = total block rate

    so if i convert my calculation with yrs,
    (25+ 23)*(35+40+10+15+15+15+5+5)% = 67.2%

    maybe i am wrong, but i think those calculations will be more reasonable.

    • epifanes says:

      Yes, those numbers sounds more reasonable and might be actually correct, but as I said, I have no means to test this – all AbsDEF gear is horribly expensive at the moment, so I don’t even plan to get myself some of it.

      The original calculation is based upon idea that every new item multiplies the currently existing overall base block, so 25 x 1.4 x 1.3 etc

      • passerby says:

        lol!! hope those rich ppl can give us answer soon. By the way, may i know is that any different in calculation on acc and evade at jp server?
        i think i saw some picture showing 14%acc ring at jp server. Are there any balance patch on acc vs evede so far???

      • epifanes says:

        Well there is some better balance between ACC and Evade here, because you can get same amounts of both on all items. So maximal values of ACC and Evade on any item in JP server are 14% (15% on new socketing cards). I think that’s quite nice balance, although you still need more ACC to hit less Evade.

      • passerby says:

        epifanes!! can you provide more detail info regarding balance between acc and evade rate at jp server?? i wanna compare the deferent between iah and jp server. Thx ^ ^

      • epifanes says:

        I’m not really sure what do you mean #6 The only difference is that ACC can now reach the same heights as evade on equipment (14-15%), so as long as AGI gives boost to both, you can have the same amounts of ACC and Evade on almost any char (with exception of those who have skills boosting AGI/acc/evade).

        But AFAIK you still need 200 ACC to hit 300 evade (not counting that 30% chance to hit anytime), so it’s not total balance. It’s still better than having 7% ACC vs. 14% evade max on items though.

      • epifanes says:

        Just reading something from JP forums which might be interesting to add. With the Option Amplification’s help, looks like there are people who are close to 500 ACC currently. This person, a lvl76 Joker with 380 evade claims that he is being hit 80% of the time by these people, so looks like the (acc = evade+100) formula might not be correct, and it’s balanced even more than I thought. Well, it’s good news then ^^

    • Comman says:

      Hello passerby!
      A’m LV70 Dragoon in gPotato EU.
      Does not fully understand your calculation.
      It’s ok the Shield Masterry (lv10) give me a 25% Blosk rate and the Parry (lv10) 23% Block Rate.
      I do not understand: “total absolute def from equip %, (35+40+10+15+15+15+5+5)% ” What is the 35+40+10+15+15+15+5+5 ???
      And i have another question : Absolute def rate % give me any block rate?

      Thank you to answer!

      • epifanes says:

        The list of equipment with Absolute DEF rate is included in the main article. If it says x1.4, it’s an item with 40% AbsDEF rate etc.

        That said, most of these items doesn’t exist in Gpotato, and will probably not exist even after Ice patch, unless we get it with revamped Van Cliff and Production system (maybe that’s why it takes so long ;p). Also, as I said in the article, these calculations go for JP server – AbsDEF rate’s effect in Gpotato is still questionable.

      • Comman says:

        Thanks for the info!
        In the meantime waiting for the ice patc!
        I hope it will work the Absolute def rate ^^

  5. juansvart says:

    ye i second what frost said on 3rd paragraph… and i think u forgot about the hero bone dragon arms thats gives 20% abs def rate as well, lol

    anyway can u imagine if this works? i have my doubts not only coz this will grant a brand new type of op-ness to pallies but also because they could forget about refining gear to boost defense and stacking health maybe will be pintless too i guess (i mean, why would any1 need hlt or 7-9k def if no1 can hit u). that will lead to pallies to focus mainly on one stat (most likely aim), then advance gear could do the job instead of trying to craft to artifact

    barunson already gave pallies the chance to be among the best dps class with those awesome crit dmg sets (3/3 cp set + tr on + descent crit rate =… u figure it out)
    is barunson now giving them the chance to make them even more imba than before impervion and revenge nerf?

    u wanna hit a dodge stacker? work hard and get aim
    u wanna hit an abs def rate stacker? -nothing comes to mind now-

    epifanes, i know no1 is sure about this so far, i just wanted to share a comment… peace

    • epifanes says:

      I kinda skipped the hero shield, as I have not seen a single one anywhere on the server yet (not implemented or bug?), but also there is no point going over 100% block anyway so it doesn’t matter 🙂

      Yup, as I said below, I hope those calculations are wrong – 100% block is just too much, though current Revenge would still be the one and only skill that can get through it and kill the 100% block pally. I’m sure many rich palas here will test this formula anyway, so I will probably see if it works or not once they got their gear and use it in mass PvP.

  6. Party says:

    Im somewhat sure (and hoping) that this isnt true.

  7. kadelu says:

    im just curious.. if revenge is at 40% now.. than how do u still own evade and block.. cause at iah i need about 160 to 170 more vit/hlt to kill anyone with revenge on.. as in a confirm win match.. but if its at 40% than revenge wont be much help anymore right..

    • epifanes says:

      Revenge is still at 70% in JP server, so the same as your server or Gpotato. Also, even if they make it 40%, I still have 200-250 more HLT than most players at my level here. The thing that bothers me more is a cooldown for supposedly active skill Revenge – if they make it as short as let’s say Parry, then the Revenge will be completely useless indeed.

  8. Frost says:

    Ah, the formula that passerby posted sounds much more reasonable… And when I say reasonable I mean “too damn OP” instead of “Screw Barunson” LOL Hell, even the base 32% block of a 5/5 pala is OP, so dont get me started on that

    Now what I dont get is why so many items have Abs Def on them if only 2 classes benefit from the effect? How about giving some block to the others as well?

    And speaking of which, a Ninja with lvl 10 Claw block has 23%, so they should be able to stack a bit too, which is hilarious considering we are talking about a dodge character on top of it

  9. Structure says:

    ^ much more reasonable formula? With that one you’d end up nerfing your own block rate unless you can surpass the 100% threshold on abs def

    Just sayin, I HIGHLY doubt that one’s correct either.

    • Frost says:

      What are you talking about? Did you even read the formula? Lol It assumes 25% block as the base from shield mastery and then adds the % on top of it, meaning its impossible for it to be less than 25%… How would you nerf your own block rate?

      The reason the calculations in the original post are so screwed up is because like Epiphanes said, they add each % on top of another, which is obviously wrong, since every % is calculated from base stat not the overall

      • Structure says:

        1) 25*(35+40+10+15+15+15+5+5)% + 23= 58%

        25 + 23 = 48% (no abs def)
        25 * 140/100 + 23 = 58% (140% abs def)
        25 * 80/100 + 23 = 43% (80% abs def)

        2)(25+ 23)*(35+40+10+15+15+15+5+5)% = 67.2%

        25 + 23 = 48% (no abs def)
        (25+23) * 140/100 = 67.2% (140% abs def)
        (25+23) * 80/100 = 38.4% (80% abs def)

        The wonders of mathematics, huh.

      • passerby says:

        Lol!! thx Structure for bringing out my error on calculations.
        i agree with you, its make no sense.

      • epifanes says:

        So I suppose the original formula from JP forums is the correct one. If you can get 140% AbsDEF on items, it will add 140% to your current 100% (be it with or without Parry), thus giving it a 2.4x multiplier.

        So either (25*2.4)+23 or (25+23)*2.4

        The only problem is the final values are broken beyond repair, but eh, it wouldn’t be the first time in this game 🙂

      • Frost says:

        Lol, thats a nice way of twisting the formula, Im sure thats not what he meant

        Point is you should add the % AFTER you have the 25, so that its not possible to reduce the base amount

        You dont do 25 x 140%, you do 25 x 240%… This should be common sense…

        Usually when GMs say “Today we have 150% experience event” it means 50% more than usual

  10. Kingchar says:

    er you guys realize barunson doesn’t exist anymore. They got bought out by ncsoft hence the reason for the class imbalance since the 4th job patch. so “screw barunson” should be more like “screw ncsoft”. I thought a lot of people woulda figured this out by now >_>

  11. Kingchar says:

    sorry for getting my companies mixed up

  12. Defense says:

    Hi this is totally unrelated to absolute defense but defense. is there a defense cap in jdgn? apparently we met some defense cap @ 6k. Would you be able to check it out in jdgn too?or if theres even any article bout it. please mail me 😀

    • epifanes says:

      Have never heard of defense cap before. I know in Gpotato there are people with 12-14k DEF, so Gpot definitely doesn’t have any DEF cap at all (or must be higher than 15k). I didn’t check defense stats here in JP, but if people bother getting all their gear to +16 legend, I’m pretty sure there is no DEF cap either.

      • Party says:

        Then, is atk cap still in Jdrago?

        I mean they would have to code it around a corner for F7 Towers to work 😛

      • epifanes says:

        No idea, I don’t have a weapon with damage that would make even close to 230k crits, so there’s no way for me to test it. But if you read the answers from Barunson in Gpot forums, they don’t seem to remove the cap anytime soon.

        F7 is a special mode, and towers are not weapons, so it’s probably easy to give the much higher DMG than normal weapons have.

  13. Pleasant says:

    25 + 25 * (0.35+0.40+0.10+0.15+0.15+0.15+0.05+0.05) + 23 = 83 total block rate.
    The 25 * (. . .) is the modifier. You don’t multiply the base itself, but instead you add the multiplied base to the base. If the formula would be

    25 * (0.35+0.40+0.10+0.15+0.15+0.15+0.05+0.05) + 23

    This would result in 23% block rate from just parry if the person had 0% absdef from items.

    Also the formula stated in the post is probably incorrect because, well, parry adds pure block rate but not base.. pretty much the same as 100% crate sets not multiplying pure crate given from baekho/lolgloves.

    • epifanes says:

      Looks good, as I’m keen to believe these stats can give some godly block, but not 100% or higher block. So 83 sounds like a reasonable value, though one will never know for sure unless someone tests it.

  14. Iilate says:

    But why do they even think of adding + 1 to block, other chars are having troubles dealing with what the monster cards are giving, That is 48% to goons and 23% to daggers, left alone adding absolute …….. Now I need to find arrows that pays no respect to block >.<

    • epifanes says:

      Well, it looks like goons are favorite class of the developers ATM, so they are gonna make it super duper OP and then they decide they overdid it, so a big nerf will come and goons will end up like CM’s 🙂

      But with Production system, you can almost double all your stats on any char, so maybe that’s supposed to be the answer?

  15. Kiyoshirou says:

    Sorry for answering a quite long thread (It has been 1 month xD)
    I thought they cap Block Rate to 60% or 70%. That`s what I heard from my friend that played in Japan Dragonica though.

    • epifanes says:

      That would be one way how to prevent really IMBA stat stacking. But well, can’t test it myself (don’t care about AbsDEF), but it is possible indeed. Thanks for info.

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